Vernissage at Midnight-Shopping-Day

- 2 Kommentare | Schreib mir einen Kommentar ♥ | Montag, 26. August 2013 -
Hey guys!

So here is my new blogpost. I went to a vernissage last Saturday and it was so good! It was so, so brilliant. I really enjoy the artwork. In my City was a midnight shopping day, all stores were opened and i went there with my best friend. We were eating some asian food and went to a DVD store, a handbag store from Longchamp and to the vernissage.

As i metioned before, i’m studying arts at university in my hometown Bremen in Germany and I’m really interested in abstrakt and classical painting, but i never went to a vernissage in my free time before, because you always have to pay money for it. And i would never pay money for a vernissage of an artist, that I don’t know. But this art exhibition was for free, because it was midnight shopping day. 
Next to the amazing and beautiful paintings, there were many sculptures from another artist. Some were made of wood, some of potter’s clay or cement. A main theme oft he sculptures was the faces from World War I and World War II. I have to say it was  special, but I’m not really interested in sculptures. I just shot the paintings for you and two sculptures, which are made of elm tree wood.

At this vernissage, you could also buy some of the paintings. There were everywhere the prices for each painting or sculpture. Every painting was very expensive, always more than 600€ = $800, but if i had the money, i would buy some =))

The right one is a painting from the german town: Frankfurt am Main


The first one is a Karate Pillow and the second one, as you see^^, thats a suitcase.

The leaf painting is my favorite :D

the ship reminds of the Black Pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean :D

2 Kommentare

  1. Jetzt habe ich 2 Kommentare von dir, also hat es doch funktioniert :)
    Dankeee (:

    1. Mittlerweile habe ich ihn schon richtig gestellt :)


